Saturday, February 13, 2021

Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing 生死戀


如果你還知道有韓素音 Han Suyin 這個名字的,可能會是對文學、電影甚至翻譯都感興趣的了。在文革時期,曾對當時的領導人有露骨的吹捧,因此受到官方的特別禮待。此外,上一代香港人,對韓素音還有印象的,可能是她以香港為故事背景的自傳式作品 A Many-Splendored Thing 1952,後來拍成了電影,Love Is A Many-Splendored Thing 1955,當然是在香港取景,在重拾香港在上個世紀 50 年代的景象之餘,那首同名的主題曲,更勾起對老香港有難以忘卻的浪漫情懷。

Rosalie Matilda Kuanghu Chou (Chinese周光瑚pinyinZhōu Guānghú)(12 September 1917 (or 1916) – 2 November 2012) was a Chinese-born Eurasian[3] physician and author better known by her pen name Han Suyin (simplified Chinese韩素音traditional Chinese韓素音pinyinHán Sùyīn).

She wrote in English and French on modern China, set her novels in East and Southeast Asia, and published autobiographical memoirs which covered the span of modern China. These writings gained her a reputation as an ardent and articulate supporter of the Chinese Communist Revolution. She lived in Lausanne, Switzerland, for many years until her death. wiki


  1. Thank you for sharing, this is a lovely song, indeed. I have watched a 歷史時空 facebook a short video on the movie showing 香港外景片段 :

    1. 干德道41號A莫家大宅拍攝時已是外國記者俱樂部。

  2. Replies
    1. 人生伴侶無法替代,留下美好回憶就是珍貴。
