Sunday, September 27, 2009

丝 丝 小 雨 Light Drizzle

丝 丝 小 雨 (1977)

一阵阵绵绵 细 雨, 带来多少凄凉意.
Intermittent and continuous drizzle brings forth much lonely and chilly emotion.
我曾问过丝丝小雨, 是否带来你的消息.
I have asked the light drizzle whether it has brought news about you.
我和你初次相见就在这街头, 是你给我留下难忘的回忆.
We first met on this street corner and it was you who left me an unforgettable memory.
问你,问你,再问你, 几时回到我的怀里.
Ask you, ask you, again ask you, when are you going to return to my embrace?

一段段美丽回忆, 依然荡漾我心里.
Many beautiful recollections are still rippling in my heart.
你的真情,你的真意, 永远永远不会忘记.
Your true affection, your real emotion, will never be forgotten.
我和你初次相见就在这街头, 是你给我留下难忘的回忆.
We first met on this street corner and it was you who left me an unforgettable memory.
想你, 想你, 我想你, 能再回到我的怀里.
Want you, want you, I want you to again be able to return to my embrace.

一片片相思情意, 我想把它献给你.
Pieces of lovesick affection I want to present to you.
春已来到,冬已过去, 还是没有你的消息.
Spring has arrived and Winter has already passed. There is still no news of you.
我和你初次相见就在这街头, 是你给我留下难忘的回忆.
We first met on this street corner and it was you who left me an unforgettable memory.
愿你,愿你,我愿你, 早日回到我的怀里.
Hope you, hope you, I hope you will soon return to my embrace.

(Thanks to masami43 for his following research)
Teresa's Japanese original song of this is "港町 (Minato Machi)", meaning a port town, released in 1975. 作詞:林春生 (Hayashi Haruo) , 作曲:猪俣公章 (Inomata Kousyou).

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